
Tuesday 1 December 2015


Phoenix Nails

As some of you may know, at the end of October there was an 
electrical fire at my university house.
Me and my house mates are all OK, (although shaken and stressed).
It was a complete accident and no ones fault (Which is very relieving!)
We were moved into emergency accommodation for 2 weeks,
it was one of the most stressful experiences in my life.
Moving our stuff back and fourth between accommodation, and trying to
sort out what was going on, took all of our time.
If we weren't in lectures we were busy sorting something house or fire related.
I don't think I've ever truly understood what being busy was!
We are all back in our house now, and have most of our time back, 
there are of course still things being sorted, but its manageable!

I decided to paint phoenix nails, as I wanted to explain why just after 
getting back into the swing of blogging, I left again!
And I think the idea of a phoenix ties in really well with our situation.
The fire definitely changed all of us, but I think for the better!
(Although we are now some of the most cautious people on the planet!)
I believe it has given us a different outlook on things in a largely positive way.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my house mates!

From sleeping on their sofa, to storing food in the freezer!
It was massively appreciated!
My family were amazing and helped support us as much as they could.

Thank you

This has been a very wordy post for me!
Hope I haven't waffled on too much!

Its now officially December, 
so get ready for some Christmas nails and cheerier posts!

x x

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